Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

How To Be The Boss During Big Life Changes

“Where you are in your journey, I hope you, too, will keep encountering challenges. It is a blessing to be able to survive them, to be able to keep putting one foot in front of the other -- to be in a position to make the climb up life’s mountain, knowing that the summit still lies ahead. And every experience… is a valuable teacher.” - Oprah Winfrey

On January 1, 2021, I woke up in a new state.

Literally...and mentally, to be honest.

The first six months of 2021 were some of the most challenging months I’ve ever had...and hardly anyone knew.  

I experienced three major life changes back to back, and even though some of those changes were really good...change is still change. 

It knocked the wind out of me and struggled to find my footing.

When it rained, it poured and I was caught with no umbrella...totally exposed. 

Gene-Kelly wasn’t coming to save me.

NOBODY was singing in this rain.

And in this episode, I’m peeling back the curtain and letting you in on these three biiiig changes because I know I’m not unique in this feeling. 

Sharing these raw stories with you isn’t always easy for me, but I think it’s important.

Entrepreneurs, we’re human too.

So here it is.

Your permission to be totally...messily...freely human.

To take up as much space with your process as you need to.

To work through hard things as quickly as you’re able, but as slowly as you need.

And now that I’m 6 months into the year and juuuust about on the other side of my storm, I want to share with you the habits and thought patterns that have made a world of a difference to me as I, an entrepreneur, took on...well, life. 

My friend, if you’ve ever felt like a fraud as a leader or doubted your ability to make an impact because you’re struggling with life circumstances...I recorded every minute of this episode with you in mind.

Click to listen and know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

Here’s a glance at this episode...

  • [10:22] Because of my depression, I reverted back to old behaviors and started to eat to calm myself. It affected my work and personal life. I love change, but this one was bigger than I had planned. 
  • [13:22] Having anxiety and depression has helped me to better understand my students who struggle with mental illness. It has allowed me to have more compassion and understand how hard it can be to run a business and get through these things. It's not easy, but I believe it can be done.
  • [21:21] Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions, and actions create results. I know when I have a certain feeling, it comes from a thought. I'm now focused on moving forward and dealing with my thoughts and feelings in a more positive way.
  • [23:03] If you're dealing with reverting to old habits or struggling with feeling confident in any which way, I know what that feels like. You need to be seen and heard and set an example for those in your audience who also may be struggling with the same insecurities.
  • [26:37] I got a book deal. When I got the deal, things became weird. My head was full of doubt. Before this, I spent four months writing my proposal, and I felt like I was in the flow. After the deal, my progress stalled. I was on the hook and suddenly felt like nothing was good enough.
  • [33:29] When we're more aware of self-sabotage or impostor syndrome, we have a better ability to stop it. Enjoy the good things that come into your life. You deserve them.
  • [34:58] Think of what you've struggled with and then say, "this is normal." We all have our struggles. We can all be empowered and take away the judgment and accept that challenges happen. Keep moving forward and do the next right thing.

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How One Woman Turned Her Personal Tragedy Into A Digital Course With A Mission For Good

My student, Bevin Farrand, is setting us ALL straight when it comes to the trips we’re not taking…

...the risks we’ve been avoiding...

...and the life we’re not living. 

You see, after unexpectedly losing her husband and the love of her life, Bevin decided it was time to stop living on the sidelines of her life. 

And she used her own life experience to create a framework that helps hundreds of others exit the sidelines, get in life’s game, and do the damn thing -- whatever that “damn thing” is to them.

Which is how Bevin’s course, Take The Damn Trip, was born. 

(How AMAZING is that course name, by the way?)

In this episode, Bevin is hosting a LIVE workshop for you -- my OMME listener -- that will help you discover your “why”, your “yes”, and how to start living boldly

She’ll also be sharing how she came up with her course idea and what she tweaked to make her same course convert at an even higher rate.

This is one of those episodes where you’ll not only walk away with a notebook full of practical steps for taking your digital course to the next level…

...but with a fire in your belly for all that life has to offer you.

Don’t wait one more minute to start living fully!

The doors to Digital Course Academy are officially open. If you're ready to take the leap and join me on this course creation journey, click the here!

Here’s a glance at this episode...

  • [03:53] Bevin's husband surprised her with a whirlwind trip to France. He passed away five days later. Bevin's life was flipped upside down. 
  • [09:41] She reflected on what she has done differently, and she came up with the DAMN framework. She is all about saying the thing and doing the thing. 
  • [14:11] Bevin explains how she transitioned to focusing on her DAMN framework but was resistant to niching down. Fast forward, niching down has made her over $47,000. 
  • [21:21] The DAMN framework consists of Decide & Declare. A is Attend Your Own Party. M is Moments Not Missed. N is Now is the Time. 
  • [31:20] With the D, we need to get clear on our why and our yes! Knowing your why makes hard times easier. For your yes, ask what you can talk about all day. Why do you want it?
  • [52:04] We never know what's going to happen, so do the thing you want to do. This isn’t a reason to live scared, but instead to live fully!

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Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

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Digital Course Fails From a So-Called Professional (*facepalm*)

Aaaah, bloopers.

I love a good blooper in any form -- from America’s Funniest Home Videos to a Kristin Wigg outtake to a “fails” reel on Instagram. 

But today the tables turn and it’s yours truly who’s in the hot seat.


I’ve experienced more blunders than I can count in my 13 years of online business and I’m sharing the best (or maybe worst) of them in this episode.

From blacking out… 

to being blacklisted from Zoom… 

to getting a liiiiittle tipsy on Live video… 

to welcoming students who hadn’t signed up for my course… 

to drenching my team with tequila while live on camera… 

I’ve had enough bloopers to last me a lifetime.

So I want to dedicate this episode to all of you who think that, if you’re going to create and launch a digital course, it all has to go as planned. 

Because these bloopers span from my early digital course days all the way to this year -- yep, 2021 where I, the expert, should have my you-know-what sorted out.

No matter how prepared, professional, or experienced you are -- life’s just a little messy. 

I’ve learned instead that it’s our job as entrepreneurs to try new things and get out of our comfort zones. And yes, every now and then, that means things backfire.

But in the grand scheme of things, we’re the luckiest.

We get to try -- and in the meantime, we gather stories, memories, and a lot of lessons learned. 

And at the end of the day, we’re still standing and our businesses are still okay…even if it isn’t always perfect. 

Despite these bloopers (and some of them are seriously cringe-worthy), I’ve still been able to build a massively successful business.

And you can do the same, my friend.

Also, I want to invite you to my brand new, FREE Masterclass 5 Little-Known Mistakes  *Most * Course Creators Make and What to Do Instead. Let this be your first step (that isn’t as scary as doing a launch) towards creating a successful digital course. 

You can do that by clicking here!

Here’s a glance at this episode...

  • [03:49] Everything doesn't have to be perfect to have a successful launch. Learn how I sprayed everybody with sparkling water and tequila and how laughing can still bring your team together. Even when things go wrong, you're going to be okay!
  • [08:09] Here's a launch where Zoom went down right before the webinar. They had a tech glitch, and our 15 minute before the webinar email had gone out. Emails were flooding in from 1000 of subscribers, and I blacked out. But guess what, we were only five minutes late. Always have a backup plan!
  • [13:56] The reminder email goes out, and it's 15 minutes before we go live. Attendees started receiving a buyer email that said here are your login details. Even with a tech savvy team, we still had a glitch. Life goes on! Tech glitches will not break you.
  • [18:25] Try new things and get out of your comfort zone. You and your business will still be standing at the end of the day even when things don't go perfectly.
  • [00:19:53] Action step: Sign up for the {BEST MASTERCLASS EVER CREATED} 5 Little-Known Mistakes *Most* Course Creators Make (+What to Do Instead).

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An Exclusive Module-by-Module Sneak Peek Into My Signature Program

In all my years of podcasting, I have never done this. I’ve NEVER revealed, detail by detail, what’s inside one of my paid products for my podcast listeners...until now.

In this extra special, first-of-it’s-kind episode, I’m breaking my own rules and taking you inside my signature program, Digital Course Academy. 

I walk you through my 8-figure-producing digital course -- module by module -- and explain exactly how Digital Course Academy helps my students create and launch their profitable digital course.
I’ll be sharing the lessons, topics, modules, tech, and the mindset taught inside the program. Plus, I’m answering ALL your questions about DCA along the way. Including:

  • What is DCA?
  • Who’s right for DCA?
  • What exactly does DCA teach?
  • How long does it take to go through DCA (and when can I expect to have my course up and running?)
  • Does DCA teach me the tech required to make it all happen?
  • What kind of results do DCA students actually see after the program?

To be totally honest, I poured out my heart and soul in this episode.

DCA is transformative. I’ve seen it time and time again with my students...I know the power of this program. 

So I hope you enjoy this extra special insider’s view into Digital Course Academy because it’s an absolute joy to share my heart’s work with you! If you’d like a little insider’s look into what DCA is all about, for a limited time, you can get access to a sneak peek of Module 1 for FREE! Get access here!

Here’s a glance at this episode...

  • [02:49] Digital Course Academy or DCA is the most comprehensive program for validating, creating, launching, and selling your digital course. It's a complete package put into seven modules that spans over a course of 10 weeks.
  • [04:52] DCA is best for someone who knows the ideal community they want to serve and has an online presence around it. They also have a skill or expertise or know how to solve a problem.
  • [09:03] You learn how to get clear on your topic, the type of course you should offer, your course name and how much to charge. As well as, how to create content and how to schedule important launch dates! You'll be set up for serious launch success!
  • [11:37] Email lists are a huge part of the course. We teach you how to set everything up and how to engage with your subscribers.  Bonus -- you also get lifetime access and all future updates. 
  • [13:25] Modules include: the seven key decisions, pre-selling and validating, outlining your course, sales page blueprint, creating a profitable webinar, crafting email sequences, and recording your course.

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Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

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3 Entrepreneurs Kicked Imposter Syndrome To The Curb (And You Can Too)

I LOVE working with aspiring entrepreneurs...the ones still kicking it in the cubicle.

The ones with notepads full of to-do lists and moments of inspiration scribbled down between meetings then stuffed into desk drawers.

The ones juuuust starting out and who have a million and one questions. 

And because I’ve worked with so many for so long...I recognize the questions that throw the brakes on for many, many aspiring entrepreneurs.

That’s right…

…there are questions that each and every aspiring entrepreneur asks that has the potential to put those big dreams on ice and keep your passionate, creative, capable, world-changing toosh in an office chair, working for someone else for waaaay too long.

Questions like…

  • “Who am I to teach something to others?"
  • "Who would pay for what I have to offer?"
  • "Who would want to hear what I have to say?”

(Questions like this are why I do everything that I do.)

Because these questions creep up on every single person who has ever tried something new.

Which means that if every inventor, teacher, business owner, creator, or artist in history believed the voices that told them...

“You knew it -- that seat’s taken. Don’t embarrass yourself, there’s no room for you.”

...then this world would be totally robbed of the bright, vibrant, diverse, and awe-inspiring gifts shared throughout history. 

Which means there’s a place for you and your gifts at the table. 

The world needs what you have to offer, my friend.

And so in this episode, I want to help you push through that self doubt to make big decisions, take big risks, and go to bat for the dreams that you know are possible. 

In fact, I invited 3 successful online entrepreneurs to share exactly how they worked through self doubt and imposter syndrome as they created a business and life that they really, truly love.

And, of course, I share a few behind-the-scenes stories from my own business...because there’s not a single entrepreneur in history who doesn’t battle with imposter syndrome and self doubt on the reg. 

Oh yeah...12 years later? It’s still a struggle. But it does get better.

Self doubt doesn’t have to hold you back from living the big dreams that you have for yourself. 

In fact, sometimes it’s the voice in your head saying, “You can’t” that allows you to say, sometimes for the first time, “Actually, I think I can.”

There’s unspeakable power in that small but mighty statement, my friends. With just those few words, you become unstoppable. 

So settle in, get quiet, and let’s talk about how to flip the script on that -- very normal, very scary, but very much in your control -- voice in your head.

Here’s a glance at this episode...

  • [03:53] Amel Derragui generated $23,000 in revenue on her first launch. 
  • [06:29] She overcame her feelings of unworthiness by leaning on and embracing support. She doesn't think imposter syndrome ever goes away for good, listen to hear how she handles it these days. 
  • [08:48] Rob Green generated $12,000 during the launch of his flash photography digital course. He's now on track to generate over $100,000 in his first year.
  • [09:43] He had self-doubt, but he learned that action is the antidote to fear. When fears crept up, he would focus on taking the next step.
  • [16:07] Masha Goins always dreamt of being an entrepreneur. She struggled with feelings of unworthiness, but went from dreaming to making $38,000 from her digital course in a short time.
  • [17:23] She knew she was destined to be an entrepreneur, but she worried that she was creating a business in an oversaturated market. When feelings of unworthiness show up, she would consume less and create more!
  • [21:33] Action steps: Lean into a supportive community. Action is the antidote for fear. Consume less and create more. Join the free 30-day bootcamp!

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Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

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