Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

My team and I just finished up with the launch of my new course, Digital Course Academy, and I want to share some new strategies I used that really resonated with my audience and resulted in a big boost in sales conversions.

The three strategies all focus on personalization and are something that you will easily be able to replicate in your own launch.  

Live launch personalization is more important than ever, especially when people are used to canned responses and bots. Having direct communication from a human is next-level when it comes to customer service these days. When you incorporate personal touches to your launch, you are helping your prospective customers to be able to decide whether they want to purchase your program, product or service.

Here are the three personal touches that I go over in today’s episode will be game-changers for your next live launch:

Personalization #1: Recording Audio Messages Via Snagit
Learn how I used Snagit, the quick and easy screen capture and/or recorder application, to provide personalized customer service messages that really wowed my audience. I also mention how I’ve recently been introduced and have begun using Loom to handle the same task.

Personalization #2: Live Sales Page Chat With Olark
Learn how I used Olark, to provide stellar live sales page chat during my launch. This tool will allow you to answer real-time questions, in-the-moment from your potential customers when they’re making the buying decision. When handled right, these conversations will significantly increase your conversions. These prompt, “real-time” conversations are priceless. Whether it’s you in there or someone on your team that’s very familiar with your content, make sure to set up a system for live chat support during your next live launch.

Personalization #3: Recording an Off the Cuff, From the Heart, Final Video
This is a video to record in real-time and send out on the final day when you’re closing the doors for people to be able to purchase your program, product, or service. I’ll tell you what to include in the email to deliver the video (the subject line and body copy) and what you should say in the video. The timing of recording this video is critical because you want to be feeling all the emotions that you will have on that last day. You will be coming in raw, honest, and extremely helpful with this last bit of communication to your prospective customer.

There you have it! I’ve shared my secrets and I hope you take what worked well for me and incorporate these strategies in your next live launch. Believe me, you will never be sorry for adding these personal touches.

Click here to listen now!  

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Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!  


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I was thinking about you, my listener, the other day and thought, “What can I give to them that would help them most in their businesses right where they are today.” This is my tenth year of business in the online marketing space, and I have learned a lot. Ups and downs, successes and failures...and through it all, I learned invaluable lessons along the way. I’m going to take that ten years of learning and share it with you in today’s podcast episode.  

Specifically, I’m going to share what I would have done differently were I starting from scratch today. Now, this is not only for those newbies out there. There are many foundational principles that even the most seasoned entrepreneur can learn from to ensure you are a building a business that is sustainable. I know I’m still learning as I go along, so I hope today’s episode will help you wherever you are in your business journey.

Here are the areas  
  • Where I Would Spend My Money

I’ll be talking about the must-have tools I use in my business, as well as how to choose the right personal development investment that will serve you best.

  • What I Would Focus On The Most (especially in the first two years)

Don’t do what I did in my first two years of business. You MUST create original content consistently AND know who you’re talking to. Too many overcomplicate this process and I’ll share how to keep it simple to move your business forward in a powerful way. I’ll also discuss the importance of knowing and declaring exactly HOW you want to make money in your business.    

  • What I Would Say Yes To More Often

What I talk about here would have looked very different five and ten years ago. This will be the same for you because the business you have today will look dramatically look different just a few years from now. You will make choices today that you won’t make years from now because your business will be different.

  • What I Would Say No To More Often

You may be surprised by some of what I discuss here, but please, please heed my advice here. Your time is valuable and there are some things that may look good but are not good for growing your business.   

  • The Mindset Shift I Would Make Early On

With so much noise in the online world, there is one key mindset shift that will be invaluable for you personally and in your business. It’s all about asking yourself higher value questions. I’ve got a worksheet for you with some great examples to get you going.

  • The Habits I Would Adopt Early On - Habits That Would Shape My Identity

Establishing good habits in your life will be a game-changer! Your level of success is directly tied to how you show up on a daily basis, and creating habits is the key.

I think this episode is going to be really helpful to you in your journey, so take a listen and use the lessons I’ve learned over the past 10 years as a shortcut to your success.  


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You’ve heard it before, right? Content is KING.

That is certainly true and I’ll be the first to tell you that the quality and consistency of your content directly correlate to the growth of your email list AND your bank account.

The operative word in that last sentence was consistency. Without consistency when it comes to your content creation, content is not king.

You probably know that I just recently launched my new course, Digital Course Academy, and I can guarantee that if you ask any of my students what the ONE thing that I’m a stickler about...they will tell you that I want them creating consistent content on a weekly basis.

The reason why I’m such a stickler about this is that In order for you to have a thriving online business, you’ve got to create consistent content in order to attract your tribe. Once you’ve attracted your tribe and they’re paying attention, that’s when you build the “know, like, and trust” factor. And once they know, like, and trust you, they will likely buy from you.

Creating consistent content on a weekly basis is NOT always easy and it takes time, however, it’s a clear step that, should you commit to, will pay dividends in the success of your business.

The question is: how do you make sure this weekly content gets done?

You create a content plan. And I can help you with that!

In fact, in this episode, I go over these three things:

  1. A foolproof plan to create consistent content, that will leave you feeling confident, excited and inspired
  2. My top 5 favorite ways to choose topics that your Ideal Customer Avatar will want to eat up immediately (You’re going to find these VERY useful!)
  3. I’ll tell you all about the 3-Month Content Calendar Template I created for you to keep all your content organized. I’ve got it all laid out in a spreadsheet that you can take and make your own. All you have to do is follow the prompts and fill in the blanks and you’ll be good to go! You can download the calendar here.

Click here to listen to the episode now.


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Having fear is a natural part of running a business. The key is to not let those fears stop you from doing the work that you were created to do. But what do you do when those fears threaten to throw you off your game or derail you completely? You take action and keep moving forward, but sometimes you need a little inspiration to keep you going.  

In this episode, my friend Marie Forleo (entrepreneur extraordinaire) and I are going to share the seven biggest fears that we have personally struggled with and overcome. Our intention is to pull back the curtain to show that some of the very things you may be experiencing now may be obstacles, but they are not insurmountable.

This is my 10th year of running an online business and Marie is in her 20th year! We’ve seen it all and experienced ALL the fears (and still do!), so come along and let’s see if we can provide some helpful insight for you and your business!     

To give you an extra dose of inspiration, I asked Marie to also share stories of her B-School students and how they, too, faced similar fears and what they did to work through them to build thriving, profitable and successful online businesses. You’re going to learn so many valuable tips and tricks that will help you navigate through similar fears when they come up in your own business.   

Here’s a rundown of the 7 fears we discuss in the episode:

  1. I don’t have an email list. How in the world can I start a business without one?
  2. I don’t have enough skills to make an online business work.
  3. It’s all been done before. My market is saturated with people doing what I want to do.
  4. I’m too old to be starting a business online.
  5. I want to do something different than I’ve been doing for the last 5, 10 or 20 years, but I’m not sure how to start over.
  6. I can’t figure out all the tech that’s needed to get my business up and running.
  7. I am’s just too much.

We’ll also talk about Marie’s free online business building workshop that she just released in which she’ll teach you The 6 Pillars of Building an Online Business. Marie has a tremendous gift for breaking things down to simple and understandable next steps, so you do not want to miss being in this free workshop.  

The first video in the workshop series goes live today and you are going to get so much value. You can find it at Don’t wait, because the series will only be available for a limited time.

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

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