Tue, 26 September 2023
Making your DCA investment back is easy -- here’s how Lisa Nunamaker did it in her first launchHave you ever thought to yourself, “I’d love to create a digital course, but it costs too much money?” Maybe you think it’s too expensive, or that you’d have to quit your full time job, or you’re concerned you won’t get any return on your upfront investments. I get it! Whatever it is for you, you’re feeling hesitant about starting a digital course because you have financial concerns -- and my sweet friend, you’re not alone. In fact, “creating and launching a digital course costs too much money” is one of the most common objections people have around diving into creating and launching a digital course business. But here’s the thing. It’s a total myth, and I want to show you why this should not be a barrier to creating a successful digital course. And to do that, I’m going to share the inspiring story of my Digital Course Academy student, Lisa Nunamaker. Lisa had a head full of ideas for her digital course -- but was concerned about the cost of taking DCA. So she sat down and crunched the numbers, and realized that she would only need to sign up 10 students in order to make her money back! And guess what? In the first launch of her course, Garden Graphics Tool Kit, she enrolled 66 students and made a whopping $44,000 in sales! Not to mention, she went on to launch her course a second time and raked in an additional $20,000! Lisa’s example is proof that it is possible to make your initial digital course investment back very quickly, and set you on the right path for future entrepreneurial success. Tune in to hear more about Lisa’s story, and this myth be totally debunked! Here’s a glance at this episode...
Direct download: Online_Marketing_Made_Easy_Podcast_Episode_610.mp3
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