Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Are you making it as easy as possible for your followers to buy from you? Is it possible to put out too much content? Many of us, myself included, struggle with thinking more is more when it comes to the products, services, and programs that we offer our potential customers.

It may seem counterintuitive, but offering MORE can actually make people click away!

Giving people too many options can cause decision fatigue and your potential customer will click away from your blog or video without signing up or purchasing from you.

We’re living in an age with options everywhere. If it takes too much brain power for someone to decide on something, they're out. It's your job to make it as easy as possible for your followers to make a decision. Your audience will be much more apt to buy if you present them with less offers that are better quality,

In this episode, I help you determine the fine line of less is more when it comes to content. Did you know that a person is less likely to buy if given too many choices? I’ve got a study to prove it to you.

I’ll also help you understand why it’s important to have flow, and a clear beginning, middle, and end. Want to become a go-to guide in your field? I’ve got that covered, too.

These three foolproof steps will help you narrow down the options that you present to your audience:

  1. Listen to your customers. Be intentional about hearing what your customers are asking for. If you listen closely, your audience will tell you exactly what they want.
  2. Carefully watch your audience's behavior. Where do conversions take place? Where can you narrow down your options?
  3. You cannot fear pivoting when necessary. Notice patterns and trends with your audience and do more of what’s working and cut out what’s not working.

Your next clear step: Have a 15-minute brainstorming session and write down what you offer. Ask these questions. Does it feel like too much? Is it clear?

Click here to listen now!

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