Thu, 5 January 2017
Forget your resolutions. Instead, let’s focus on making ONE BOLD MOVE in your business in 2017. I have seven ways for you to put a stake in the ground and inject new life into your business starting NOW. Most of these seven I have done myself, so I know they can boost your business, give you a shot of confidence and be a massive game changer. For a little extra push and motivation, I want you to also check out my freebie: my must read list to build momentum in 2017. I can’t think of anything better than a great book to help bring me new perspectives and ideas. Also, when I need inspiration, I turn to books. So for me, diving into some good books is CRUCIAL if you want to propel your business forward. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Must Read List to Build Momentum in 2017As for the 7 bold moves, I carefully picked each of them because I know they will help drive growth for your business, and can be implemented with little cost on your part. In fact, I’ve include how you can take action for each move. Amongst those seven, I have ways to revolutionize your content, launch a new community, find a group of mentors, help you drill down on your business, and more. I think there is a little something for everyone—check it out and pick your bold move for the New Year now.
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